Wednesday, 5 June 2013


Directorate: Policy Research Support

SALARY : R252 144 per annum
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of a four-year degree in Agriculture or Natural
Sciences (you are required to furnish a credit certificate and/or statement of
results). Knowledge of and experience in the science and technology
environment as well as agricultural research systems (nationally, regionally and
globally). Good understanding of policy development processes, research
analysis and monitoring, strategic priority areas of the Department and
Government’s developmental agenda. Project management, analytical,
networking, negotiation and communication (verbal and written) skills. Computer
skills in MS Office software. A valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : The incumbent will be responsible to manage and co-ordinate agreements with
multilateral organisations on research science and technical matters. Develop
position papers for engagements with multilateral/bilateral research organisations.
Facilitate and co-ordinate the research agenda for the sector. Provide effective
liaison with Research and Development (R&D) statutory bodies as well as
provincial Departments of Agriculture. Provide secretariat support to the National
Agricultural Research Forum and the Government, Agricultural Research and
Development Action Group. Co-ordinate the Department of Agriculture Forestry
and Fisheries’ (DAFF) research seminars and policy dialogues. Promote the
linkages between research, extension and training. Manage and co-ordinate
agreements with multilateral organisations on research science and technology
matters. Develop strategic alliance and interface with specific multilateral
institutions, such as the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and the
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) centres to
improve the National Research and Development System.
ENQUIRIES : Dr R.J. Sebola, tel. 012 319 6078.