Tuesday, 15 October 2013



SALARY  :  R771 306 per annum (Level 13) All inclusive package to be structured in accordance with the rules for SMS

(Reference: S8/3/2013/765),  MPUMALANGA  (Reference: S8/3/2013/766),  GAUTENG
(Reference: S8/3/2013/764),  WESTERN  CAPE  (Reference: S8/3/2013/769),  FREE  STATE
(Reference: S8/3/2013/768) AND KWAZULU- NATAL (Reference: S8/3/2013/767)

REQUIREMENTS  :  *An  appropriate  three  year  Degree/  National  or  equivalent  qualification  from an  accredited  institution coupled  with  3-  5  years  experience  in  quality  management.  *Extensive  knowledge  of  the  Restitution process. *Knowledge and experience in Supply Chain Management , Human  Resource Management, Financial  Management,  Risk  Management  and  its  relevant  legislation.  *Experience  in  auditing  and problem  solving  skills.  *Communication  skills  (verbal  and  written). *Results  oriented  and client  focus. *Attention  to  details.  *Computer  literacy.  *Proven  supervisory,  management  and  strategic  skills. *Knowledge and implementation of the Public Finance Management Act and Division of Revenue Act, Development  and  Facility  Act,  Environmental  Management  and  administration  systems.  *Computer literacy  and  excellent  report  writing,  analytical  and  presentation  skills  etc  essential.  *A  valid  driver’s licence and be able to drive. *Willingness to work irregular hours and travel in and out the province.

DUTIES  :  *Provide quality assurance with regards to compliance, completeness and accuracy of submissions of land  claims  by  setting  and  implementing  standards  as  well  as  reviewing  files.  *Implement  project management methodology for the management of land claims. *ensure effective risk management and implementation  of  internal  legal  and  financial  control.  *Prevent  unauthorised,  irregular  and  fruitless expenditure. *Provide support with procurement functions. *Manage allocated resources efficiently and effectively. *Formulate creative and innovative solutions to enhance cost effectiveness and efficiency in service  delivery.  *Formulate  creative  and  innovative  solutions  to  enhance  cost  effectiveness  and efficiency service delivery. *Provide advice on all issues of compliance regarding policy and legislation. *Produce financial and operational reports.

NOTE  :  Appointment  is  subject  to  a  positive  security  clearance  and  the  signing  of  performance agreement

ENQUIRIES  :  Mr B Moemedi
Tell: (012) 312 9696

CLOSING DATE  :  25 October 2013

IMPORTANT  :  Please  forward  your  application, quoting  the  relevant  reference  number  to:  The  Department  of  Rural Development  and  Land  Reform,  Private  Bag  X833,  Pretoria,  0001  or  hand  it delivered  to  184  Jeff Masemola Street, (Formerly known as Jacob Mare) corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger streets, Pretoria, for the attention of: Human Resource Management.