Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Bursary

Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Bursary

The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform is currently offering bursaries to students who are South African citizens to study in one of the following field:

•BSc in Geomatics/Land Surveying
•BSc in Town and Regional Planning
•National Diploma in Surveying
•National Diploma in Cartogaphy
•National Diploma in Town and Regional Planning

Bursary Requirements

Mathematics, Physical Science, Geography and English as subjects, all at least C+ (Higher Grade C)

Bursary Value

Tuition, registration, accomodation, meals and book fees
The bursary is for a full-time program and will be renewed annually based on academic performance or results.

Bursary Conditions

It is the students responsibility to seek admission with tertiary institutions and accomodation within University or University of Technology residences. Applicants will be expected to enter into a contract with the Department. The bursary is for a full-time program and will be renewed annually, based on academic performance or results.

How To Apply?

The Bursary Officer,
Department of Rural Development and Land Reform,
Directorate: Human Resouce Development, Private Bag X833, Pretoria 0001
or hand delivered to

The Bursary Officer,
Department of Rural Development and Land Reform,
184 Jacob Mare Street, Pretoria, 0001

Bursary Closing Date
31 October 2014